Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Our Five Minutes of Fame!

Just last month, beginning of June, we attended the MonaVie International Convention in Utah.  We almost didn't make it as Brian was involved in a 3 car accident on the QEW Toronto just the day before our flight was due to leave.  We were at the hospital taking x-rays less than an hour before we had to leave for the airport.  The doctor who saw him said that he should start physio the next day and I had to explain to him that Brian's wife bought "non-refundable" and "non-transferable" tickets for both the flight and hotel.  Needless to say, the doctor heavily medicated him. Despite the pain he was in the trip and the convention were fantastic.  We didn't walk as much as I wanted to, we had to take taxi's and we even took a horse drawn buggy midnight ride.  All in all, it was good.

While we were at the Convention, we were asked if we wanted to be "interviewed" to have our 5 minutes of fame!  Oh yes, I say ........ you know me I talk alot. But when it comes to MonaVie, you can't shut Brian up, he tells his story, he talks about the product, he goes on and on about the business opportunity and I can't get a word in.  Now, on the other hand, when you put a camera or a microphone in front of me, I freeze, I can't talk, must be stage fright and those who know and love me would say "that's not Karen". LOL

So we sit down, put the microphone on, camera's rolling, okay tell me your name and where your from.  Brian answers, I sit smiling for the camera.  Next question, Brian answers, only one or two words. I'm waiting for more, he can't talk, nothing is coming out, he's freezin, blinded by the lights.  Its not something I'm used to, I can't believe it. One of our very best friends are with us and they are like looking at him wondering what's happening. Even the producer is trying to pull words out of him, still nothing, one or two word answers. I'm thinking to myself, this is not what they are looking for and then I open my mouth. I take over, I start talking, I can't stop, the words keep coming out, I tell the whole story, just as it happened .... and then I'm in shock, so are our friends, so is Brian. It's like "what's happening here", yeah the stage fright disappeared. I just forgot the cameras were there and away I went ....... now my friends who know and love me would say "that's Karen, she's back"! LOL

We're home now from vacation, its been a month, Brian is doing better. We are eagerly and excitedly looking forward to when this little interview will come out for public viewing, how much is cut and how it turns out.  I had forgotten completely about it until tonight, only because I was asked to describe why "I am MonaVie" in less than 200 hundred words, with a picture and  submit a write-up.  I'd love to share that story with you but I got a feeling that something is in the works and perhaps it's going to be in a magazine or brochure in the near future.  And so tonight my friends, I say please continue to join us on this journey to a More Meaningful Life, I look forward to sharing both the interview and the article with you soon!

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