Saturday, July 2, 2011

My Itsy Bitsy Spyder!

I have a Mitsuibishi Spyder, say it three times fast and it sounds like itsy bitsy spyder.  I'm smiling, case I know you're saying it as you read this :)

She's my sweet baby, convertible, just love her in the summer.  Well yesterday I took her in for carsmetics surgery.  New paint, no more dents, scratches, bumps and bangs, cleaned up and detailed. She'll be coming home with a brand new fresh look, so exciting.  I am sure I will feel like I just got a new car. Although I am going to miss her for a few days, I'm looking forward to how beautiful she will be when she comes home. 

Now being a two car family, it wouldn't really matter to be short on a vehicle for a few days.  Well I guess I wasn't thinking when I booked the appointment date.  Over three weeks ago my husband was involved in a 3 car accident on a major highway with his company vehicle.  He's been driving a rental ever since and I didn't get covered or insured to drive it.  Although I am on his company vehicle and sometimes do like to have a bigger "trunk" when I'm going shopping (smiling here)! 

Well talk about feeling handicapped.  I couldn't go out anywhere today, had to hang out in the backyard, in the pool (not so bad though the weather was perfect).  We invited a few friends over for a swim and a BBQ and since yesterday was a holiday, I never got around to getting much groceries.  Now with friends over, I need some condiments, buns, drinks and more.  It's kinda funny, hey can you come over but first can you drive me to the grocery store and wait while I shop.  My daughter and her friends were going out and needed a ride, which mom does quite often.  I think she believes parents are meant to be taxi drivers.  She had to call her grandmother to come and drive her and her friends around.  It was actually kinda nice at the same time, having a few cold ones in the pool knowing its okay, you're not driving. 

I'm not sure how people with one car and more than one or two kids actually do it.  What about those hockey dads and the ballet mom's.  Who gets the car first? Perhaps I should take up biking and get my daily exercise at the same time.  But where would I put my groceries.  I could walk and take a buggy from the grocery store home with me but that would look and feel read odd! 

On another note, tomorrow will be another pool and BBQ day, what else is there to do when the sun is out.  Its not like I'm going to clean, that's what my teenage daughter is for (ah, that's why I am the taxi, I remember now).

Needless to say, after a weekend of being a one vehicle family, I really appreciate my little itsy bitsy spyder and am going to let her know when she comes home nice and new.

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