Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Running on Empty!

"Who says you can't run away from your problems?" ~Nike

Yep, that's how it all started! In early March, my step-daughter moved in with us. My daughter is 17 and my husband's daughter just turned 19. As any parent of a teenager, especially girls, you can imagine the changes in the household, the monthly attitudes, the stress and the headaches. My poor husband had to share a bathroom with 3 girls, that can't be too much fun ... but he could choose a new brand of shampoo daily.

You will remember from my last post that I had hurt my shoulder and arm exercising, so I took up running. Bought my first pair of running shoes in over 17 years, a good active Nike pair recommended by a personal trainer (not the Walmart brand I've had forever).  We did the training from the couch to 5 km for nine weeks, really great for clearing the mind. We had signed up for the May 26th Rankin Run for Cancer in St. Catharines.  The week before, we were in St. Louis, with our MonaVie family at a convention and there was a 5 km fundraiser More Project Run on the Friday morning, to kick off the new RVLution.  My husband signed us up. There was 992 people signed up, we had a blast. Now remember, I've never run (and really never exercised before). I came in at 40:17, 54th out of 105 women my age. Proud, proud, proud of ourselves.

One week later, over 10,000 people at the Rankin Cancer Run raised over $725,000. It's a much different run with that amount of people. But I was bound and determined to beat my time (wanted to drop those 17 seconds). Running with the crowd, we gave each other motivation, "You can do it"! Sweating, legs and lungs wanting to give out on me, I challenged and pushed myself to limits I didn't know I could and crossed that finish line at 36:52, wow .... a whole 3:25 better than just one week before. Had a blast, enjoyed it so much and the fact that we are raising money in our community, PROUD, proud, PROUD!

What did I do to prepare for this run, you may ask? I did alot of research and reading, talked to trainers and other runners, eating properly (MonaVie MX juice and RVL shake daily), stuck to healthy meals and just kept on training and running (despite all the headaches at home). Many nights I felt like I was Running on Empty! I can honestly say I don't think I've ever really enjoyed something so much that totally clears the head, lifts up your mood, makes you forget all your problems and makes you feel great. Not to mention - how great my arm and shoulder felt.

For anyone just starting out and I am in no way a pro but I do suggest a good read, one that I've read over and over again. "From Feeling Your Best to Looking Your Best – Top Reasons to Start Running".


Running Makes Everyday Life Easier

Imagine being able to get down on the ground and stand back up without struggling. Imagine leaning over and standing up straight without aches and snaps in your joints. Imagine slipping into the clothes you find attractive without worrying your fat rolls show too much. Simply imagine feeling better and looking better in every way. How much easier would your daily life become?
This is the ultimate reason to start running. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Back By Popular Demand!

Hi everyone, it's been awhile! I've taken a bit of a blogging break and am back .... by popular demand!   

Did you miss me? Well I've missed you, I've missed sharing my days and my thoughts with you. Some days good and some days not so good. 

The past two months have been a roller coaster ride and I'm glad to finally be getting off. My husband's teenaged daughter moved in with us and it's been quite a big adjustment.  I hurt myself exercising, can you even believe that, trying to get healthier and put myself out of commission for over five weeks now. I inflammed my C4 & C5 neck muscles causing the nerve hole to partially close and letting no blood flow through my arm. I woke up one morning and you know that feeling that your arm is asleep and you have to take your one arm to lift the other arm off the pillow. Well that's what happened to me, two days in a row, I didn't think anything of it. Then the next morning numbness and tingling, I actually thought I was having a heart attack or stroke. What a scary feeling. Anyways, after Dr's appointments and x-rays it was discovered that I had bursitis in my rotator cuff. Talk about pain! My family had to dress and undress me each day for over 2 weeks. I'm on the mend now. Thanks for asking! LOL

I'm doing something this year, I've never done before. Running! Okay, I lied, I ran when I chased my friends to the bus in school for the best seat. But I'm talking a fundraiser run, a 5 km run actually. We're doing the couch to 5 km training in 9 weeks. We're just a little behind schedule because of all the craziness and roller coaster rides these past few weeks but we are determined to finish our training and get this race done!  We're hoping to raise $100 each for the Rankin Cancer Run, feel free to sponsor us at the link below. (http://secure.rankincancerrun.com/donate/set-participant-id/participant-id/1062). 

Really looking forward to doing something in our Community! Something we've never done before!!!

Details of the run are:  

May 26, 2012, 10am

Grantham Lions Club

732 Niagara Street, St. Catharines

 If you wish to make an in memoriam donation, please mail a cheque to Rankin Cancer Run, 2 Maplewood Drive, St. Catharines, ON L2M 3P1. For any other inquiries, please email rundirector@rankincancerrun.com.

Now I've also got to share with you what a great experience my family and friends are having as we are sharing our MonaVie. Here's 39 reasons ... http://morethanjuice.blogspot.ca/2012/07/39-reasons-to-drink-monavie-acai-is.html
For more information on our products visit www.MoreThanJuice.ca