Monday, August 22, 2011

Are You there, God? It's Me, ..... Karen

Alll my friends and women everywhere, I am sure, have all read the book "Are You There God, It's Me, Margaret". Remember 6th grade, we giggled to ourselves and each other as we passed it from friend to friend. Thinking back, over 30 years ago and how it brought a smile to my face, as the mother of a teenager, I remember my daughter reading the book in 6th grade and giggling with her friends.  
This post today has nothing to do with that book, I actually started it out with "Are you there God" and then I was reminded of that book and my childhood, it just made sense and seemed to fit for the title ... "it's me Karen".
For those who knew me growing up, as a teenager and then in my early twenties, they were surprised to learn that after I married, my husband became a Minister. I know I sometimes find it hard to believe myself. It has been almost 7 years that Brian was ordained into God's work. I say to people I run into that I haven't seen in years, well I am making sure to secure my place in Heaven LOL 
All kidding aside, I love what he does and wouldn't change a thing. We rarely miss a Sunday service, even when we go on vacation, we try and attend a local one. There are times on a Saturday night, when I'd like to have another Smirnoff's Ice but then I remember Sunday morning and just say no. I think of all things that was probably the hardest to do, giving up late Saturday nights but hey as we mature, we have to make sacrifices eh! There are times when I see the sun shining and we are entertaining the congregation and I think I'd rather be in my pool. But your know in all honesty, I can truly say I have met some of the most wonderful people in church, in ours and other congregations. We have developed strong personal relationships with many families. I wouldn't change it for anything. 
We have good days and we have bad days too. We have the days we question things and God, being the wife of a Minister doesn't make it any different than you, we all deal with thoughts of doubt, sin, questions and unbelief. 
May times, I have said "why me"? On the other hand, so many times I have said "thank God" I know the angels are surrounding me and my family! Just recently my husband was in a car accident the day before we left for our anniversary vacation, it could have been much worse. One of my dearest friends and her daughter were involved in very serious accident on the QEW and walked away with a few cuts, a few bruises, minor stitches and a swollen elbow. When you see the car, this is when you know there is a God!
When I was younger my brother was involved in a car accident that even the paramedics couldn't believe he lived through. I remember my grandfather, God rest his soul, saying at the time, that "God was on vacation and the Devil didn't want him". Makes you wonder sometimes eh, makes you appreciate life a whole lot more. 
We just spent the weekend in emergency with my husband who has not been feeling well for the past two weeks and so this past Sunday morning we stayed home, him to recover and me to sleep in. Today I told a few friends that I was glad to be at work, I felt like I  had two kids all weekend. You don't hear that often on Mondays from employees. It was a nice change LOL
For the past two years, being on this MonaVie journey, it has also led us to some wonderful Christian friends. At our big R3Global weekend functions, we are eager to join in on the Sunday service with Ed & Cheryl Henderson from New Life Network.
We have seen so many lives changed with this bottle of juice either physically, emotionally, financially or spiritually, all because of the Power of God!
Perhaps feeling a little guilty for missing a wonderful weekend in Detroit, at Brian's cousin's wedding, with family and missing a Sunday service led me to write this tonight. Not really sure the purpose of it perhaps God just wanted me to share some thoughts in the hopes that someone, somewhere in the internet world out there tonight needs to know that just like in the book, Yes Margaret, there is a God!
He who kneels before God can stand before anyone. ~Unknown

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