Your “Life Score” is
a key rating of your total antioxidant well-being. It’s important to know
because your life is burdened with oxidative stress on a continuing basis.
Reducing this critical negative factor is of vital importance to your long-term
health and well-being and the new MonaVie VIEW Antioxidant Scanner tells you
immediately and precisely how you’re doing in the battle against the free
radicals that threaten your health every day.
A growing multitude of health-conscious consumers are now aware of the requirement to get more antioxidants and the fact that their diets simply don’t provide the antioxidants they need. This public awareness is a big factor in the growth of the vitamin and supplement industry. Consumer Reports say that dietary supplement use among adults in the US increased from 42% in 1988 to 53% in 2006 and that’s one of the primary reasons the health and wellness industry has soared to an incredible US$600 billion globally.
As increasing numbers of people resort to supplements and functional foods to combat free radicals and for the nutrition lacking in their normal diet, there is still no absolute certainty whether or not they’re getting the antioxidants they need. With the NEW MonaVie Antioxidant Scanner, that mystery is solved.
“Reflection Spectroscopy” is what MonaVie calls the technology in their NEW MonaVie Antioxidant Scanner, VIEW. It scans through your skin to measure your body's antioxidant levels and literally tells you your antioxidant ‘score’. This exciting new device and the technology behind it was developed by Dr. Werner Gellerman and a talented team of physicists. The device itself employs highly sensitive light that scans against the skin of your index finger and detects the presence (or absence) of antioxidants. Two types of scans are available; a Quick Scan and also a more thorough Life Score scan.
As the name suggests, the Quick Scan score is the quickest. It only takes about five seconds. Even so, it still provides a reasonably accurate general graphic idea of your overall antioxidant levels. Your desired objective is to score as highly as possible as indicated by reaching a purple-colored segment on the device read-out.
When you see your score in graphic detail like this, you’ll be inspired to start making the required changes in your daily health and nutrition routines. You’ll be inspired to take action or fight back against the daily negative influences, things like air pollution, smoking, unhealthy diets, UVA/UVB light, lack of sleep and even excessive exercise, which can all be (individually or in total) dangerous to your health and the antioxidant levels in your body.
Making healthy lifestyle choices, things like switching to a better diet, exercising properly instead of haphazardly, and using quality nutritionals, are shown to raise antioxidant levels and improve health.
The Quick Scan color spectrum clearly shows the subject’s antioxidant levels via a continuum of six colors. Red is the lowest … not good! Most desirable is purple …that means VERY GOOD!
Most people, at least if they’re health conscious, will want to know how they measure up.
It’s very easy to find out with VIEW. This new, groundbreaking piece of well-being technology is one of the most advanced pieces of health-oriented technology on the market today. The Free Radical Theory of Ageing tells us that most common health problems are linked to too many free radicals in our body system and too low antioxidant levels. In spite of this fairly common knowledge, the Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Center For Disease Control (CDC) tells us that 97% of our US population may be antioxidant deficient because of not enough intake of vegetables and fruits.
Mark Macdonald, MonaVie Health and Nutrition Expert, says, “A high antioxidant score assists in protecting cells in your skin, eyes, brain, blood vessels, and every tissue in your body. Basically, higher levels of antioxidants help improve every aspect of your body, both hormonally and at a cellular level. “The VIEW scanner provides you with an immediate, clear picture of your overall cellular health in the most non-invasive, efficient way. Knowing your Life Score gives you the necessary information you need to take immediate action and begin implementing the right concepts to increase your score and improve the health of your cells.”
Another critical step in improving one’s health and antioxidant levels is to utilize the more thorough Life Score scan. It only takes a mere 60 seconds but that little bit of extra time pays big dividends because it gives a much more accurate perspective on the body’s antioxidant levels.
Most people like specific numbers or grades. People just like specificity and this much more inclusive Life Score scan yields an actual numerical value for antioxidant levels within the body. With it a user can not only have a more accurate reading on their current antioxidant levels but it’s also an easier figure to use to measure improvement and prove progress.
As the user implements his or her healthy lifestyle changes they can periodically return to recheck their new Life Score to chronicle their ongoing improvement. Another nice feeling users get is that the higher the score, the better it means that they’re doing. More is better, right?
But measuring improvements in antioxidant levels isn’t the only thing the new scanner does. Now - finally - people can actually see visual proof of their good health and the effect of the nutrition products they’re taking. Up till now there was no way for someone to really be sure the products they were taking were working without blood tests and/or biopsies.
With VIEW, the MonaVie community now has a totally safe, proven, highly accurate, non-invasive, quick and easy way to prove that they’re on the right track.
That’s right. With this new high-tech VIEW scanner, the user can see a practical example of how and why MonaVie is the Home of the Winning Score. The company says that when MonaVie products are taken as directed for 60 days they guarantee an improvement in Life Score. They make this bold claim because MonaVie VIEW certified products are specifically formulated to provide a broad array of antioxidants from the most nutrient-rich substances on the planet. And if a person’s Life Score doesn’t improve, the company will refund every single penny spent on the product (less shipping of course).
Here’s how the guarantee works:
Get your first scan to
establish your baseline Life Score.
Sign up on AutoShip
for any of the VIEW certified products of your choice.
Use the products
according to directions for 60 days.
After 60 days, get
your new Life Score and if your score didn’t improve, you’ll get your money
But what about a business opportunity with VIEW? There’s no doubt that there’s a connection between poor health issues and a poorly performing economy. People need financial help today just as much as they need health help and, after all, who wouldn’t want to make some extra money by doing something that’s actually good for people?
MonaVie’s NEW VIEW Antioxidant Scanner is a unique, high-tech, home-based business opportunity in the MLM industry. It offers such a unique opportunity to start and/or build a successful part-time or full-time business where it’s easy to break the ice with new prospects.
Of course, as an independant distributor you are in business for yourself and your ultimate results will depend on your effort but you’ll find that when you offer people a free scan of their antioxidant levels you’re using a novel and totally exclusive approach and what’s more the Life Score VIEW technology is patent-protected and exclusive to MonaVie.
MonaVie has laid out a new goal of reaching 100 million new people globally with the NEW MonaVie VIEW Scanner. One can look at it in two different ways: (a) as 100 million opportunities to improve somebody’s health or (b) 100 million opportunities to build a home-based business opportunity. Either way, it spells o-p-p-o-r-t-u-n-i-t-y for somebody.
This new high-tech device brings a new reality to what MonaVie has said for years, “A More Meaningful Life”. That meaning comes from the joy of better health and the financial freedom of having an excellent source not only of extra income but also a highly lucrative full-time business to do the things you’ve always wanted to do and be the kind of person you’ve always wanted to be.
MonaVie has raised the bar on consumer friendly, high-tech, health technology and well-being and given their distributors a great new tool to share better health and opportunity with even more people. The company certainly has a new VIEW to share with the world, that’s for sure!
Read the full article
here ... http://bit.ly/WGwHnw
For more info on our products or to find out how to get your score, contact us at: www.MoreThanJuice.ca
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