What is
the VIEW? What does it do?
The MonaVie VIEW Antioxidant Scanner is a non-invasive device
that measures the level of antioxidants in the tissue of the skin, measured at
the fingertip. The VIEW scanner provides two types of antioxidant measurements:
1) a Quick Scan, which is a general indication of a person’s antioxidant levels
and is represented by a color only; and 2) a Full Scan, or Life Score scan
which is a numerical score with a color. The Life Score scan is an accurate and
numerically quantified measurement of a person’s antioxidant levels and is the
only VIEW measurement that can be used for purposes of the money back
Why are antioxidants important?
We are accustomed to knowing key health indicators, like our
height, weight, and Body Mass Index (BMI), blood pressure, and cholesterol. In
addition to these important numbers, your antioxidant score is worth your
attention. A measure of the presence of antioxidants in the body, your
antioxidant score, is essential to seeing the complete picture when it comes to
your health. Researchers around the world have been studying the “Free Radical
Theory of Aging,” which states that reactive molecules called free radicals
cause cellular damage throughout the body, leading to the signs of aging.
Because dietary antioxidants can reduce free radical damage, some scientists
and health professionals have made associations between antioxidant levels and
many aspects of overall health and well-being.
How will my results be shown?
Quick Scan results are shown as a colored bar array on the mobile
device application where one of the color bars will be extended vertically,
representing a score range. A corresponding color will appear on the scanner
display, indicating to the subject their color range. Life Scores will be shown
in a similar manner with the addition of the numerical score.
What is Spectroscopy?
Reflection spectroscopy utilizes light to detect the presence of
antioxidants in your scan. Utilizing a harmless white light, the VIEW scanner
scans the test area and then measures backscattered light to produce a score.
MonaVie's View technology is on the front cover of a very reputable sceintific journal called 'The Journal of Biophotonics. Instant scientific credibility for our technology Reflection Spectroscopy. The only technology in the world that can scan for Carotenoids and Flavinoids!