Thursday, August 25, 2011

Don't Worry ... Be Happy!

I know, it's easier said than done!  Everyday we all have something to worry about, its just human nature. One church service, many years ago, the Minister said "Don't worry - just pray".  Now that was a hard one to swallow. How can one not worry about their family, their bills, their health and how can one just learn to overcome their fears and anxieties? So I thought I'd try a little experiment, about a year ago, I said to myself "Okay Karen, no more worrying, just pray about it". Wow, difficult thing to do. I was worried about my husband's health, I was worried about our children's future, I was worried about what bill to pay first and how we were going to manage. From that day on, I have tried my hardest not to worry and I just take it to the Lord in prayer. One of my girlfriends came to me with problems and troubles in her home, her family life, her job, her finances and I said "Don't Worry, Be Happy!" She just looked at me with those frozen eyes of the deer in your headlights. I told her remember what the Minister said in service awhile back "Don't worry - just pray!" I gave her my word that I would also pray for her. I'm not saying things got better but we put all our faith in God.  I can't say I've been honestly faithful in doing this all the time since then but I try to do it most of the time. I find myself less of a worry wart. I find that I don't have anxiety or as much stress in my life as I use to have. Try it my friends, if even for just one day.  You might surprise yourself and find that you are worrying less and that you are praying more and there's nothing wrong with that!
Then about a year ago, I went in search of quotes on the internet, each and every morning, I post one on my facebook profile page.  What a great way to start off your day and the day of your friends.  It puts a smile on your face when someone clicks "like" on your post knowing that you may have helped change and influence someone's day in a positive way.  What is even more rewarding is when you see a friend post it on their page. They're spreading the joy and it's almost like something contagious.  Before you know it, hundreds of people are reading it and changing their day.  Don't Worry, Be Happy!  

Below are some of the quotes that I have posted over the past year to help me and others deal with anxiety and stress in the hopes that I can change just on one person's life!

Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. ~Benjamin Franklin

Imagine every day to be the last of a life surrounded with hopes, cares, anger and fear. The hours that come unexpectedly will be much the more grateful. ~Horace

The mind that is anxious about future events is miserable. ~Seneca

How much pain have cost us the evils that have never happened. ~Thomas Jefferson

It is the trouble that never comes that causes the loss of sleep. ~Chas. Austin Bates

Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each. ~Henry David Thoreau

Thus each person by his fears gives wings to rumor, and, without any real source of apprehension, men fear what they themselves have imagined. ~Lucan

I never think of the future - it comes soon enough. ~Albert Einstein

It is idle to dread what you cannot avoid. ~Publius Syrus
The rose is fairest when it is budding new, and hope is brightest when it dawns from fears. ~Walter Scott

Don't waste your life in doubts and fears: spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours or ages that follow it. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

No longer forward nor behind
I look in hope and fear;
But grateful take the good I find,
The best of now and here~John G. Whittier

It is not work that kills men, it is worry. Work is healthy; you can hardly put more on a man than he can bear. But worry is rust upon the blade. It is not movement that destroys the machinery, but friction. ~Henry Ward Beecher

Ask yourself this question: "Will this matter a year from now?" 
~Richard Carlson

And my favourite quote is a story in itself, I'll save for another time, my husband thinks it's quite funny actually. Remember - Don't Worry, Be Happy!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Are You there, God? It's Me, ..... Karen

Alll my friends and women everywhere, I am sure, have all read the book "Are You There God, It's Me, Margaret". Remember 6th grade, we giggled to ourselves and each other as we passed it from friend to friend. Thinking back, over 30 years ago and how it brought a smile to my face, as the mother of a teenager, I remember my daughter reading the book in 6th grade and giggling with her friends.  
This post today has nothing to do with that book, I actually started it out with "Are you there God" and then I was reminded of that book and my childhood, it just made sense and seemed to fit for the title ... "it's me Karen".
For those who knew me growing up, as a teenager and then in my early twenties, they were surprised to learn that after I married, my husband became a Minister. I know I sometimes find it hard to believe myself. It has been almost 7 years that Brian was ordained into God's work. I say to people I run into that I haven't seen in years, well I am making sure to secure my place in Heaven LOL 
All kidding aside, I love what he does and wouldn't change a thing. We rarely miss a Sunday service, even when we go on vacation, we try and attend a local one. There are times on a Saturday night, when I'd like to have another Smirnoff's Ice but then I remember Sunday morning and just say no. I think of all things that was probably the hardest to do, giving up late Saturday nights but hey as we mature, we have to make sacrifices eh! There are times when I see the sun shining and we are entertaining the congregation and I think I'd rather be in my pool. But your know in all honesty, I can truly say I have met some of the most wonderful people in church, in ours and other congregations. We have developed strong personal relationships with many families. I wouldn't change it for anything. 
We have good days and we have bad days too. We have the days we question things and God, being the wife of a Minister doesn't make it any different than you, we all deal with thoughts of doubt, sin, questions and unbelief. 
May times, I have said "why me"? On the other hand, so many times I have said "thank God" I know the angels are surrounding me and my family! Just recently my husband was in a car accident the day before we left for our anniversary vacation, it could have been much worse. One of my dearest friends and her daughter were involved in very serious accident on the QEW and walked away with a few cuts, a few bruises, minor stitches and a swollen elbow. When you see the car, this is when you know there is a God!
When I was younger my brother was involved in a car accident that even the paramedics couldn't believe he lived through. I remember my grandfather, God rest his soul, saying at the time, that "God was on vacation and the Devil didn't want him". Makes you wonder sometimes eh, makes you appreciate life a whole lot more. 
We just spent the weekend in emergency with my husband who has not been feeling well for the past two weeks and so this past Sunday morning we stayed home, him to recover and me to sleep in. Today I told a few friends that I was glad to be at work, I felt like I  had two kids all weekend. You don't hear that often on Mondays from employees. It was a nice change LOL
For the past two years, being on this MonaVie journey, it has also led us to some wonderful Christian friends. At our big R3Global weekend functions, we are eager to join in on the Sunday service with Ed & Cheryl Henderson from New Life Network.
We have seen so many lives changed with this bottle of juice either physically, emotionally, financially or spiritually, all because of the Power of God!
Perhaps feeling a little guilty for missing a wonderful weekend in Detroit, at Brian's cousin's wedding, with family and missing a Sunday service led me to write this tonight. Not really sure the purpose of it perhaps God just wanted me to share some thoughts in the hopes that someone, somewhere in the internet world out there tonight needs to know that just like in the book, Yes Margaret, there is a God!
He who kneels before God can stand before anyone. ~Unknown

Saturday, August 13, 2011

I'm Addicted and I Just Can't Get Enough!

We've all got addictions that's for sure. Some are good for us and well yeah some are bad for us.  So as I'm lying in the pool this afternoon, I was thinking of the things I'm addicted to and just can't get enough of! There are the things we love and then there are the things we're addicted to. So what's the difference one might ask? I say to myself, what are the things that I know I can't live without, what can I not give up? Well my family and friends of course but does that mean I'm addicted to them? No, its means I LOVE them all dearly from the bottom of my heart! 

Just last weekend, we went on a road trip and one of us in the car has a big addiction to food.  I know we all need food to survive but to be addicted to it, that's a sad story. I'm not sure how she got that way but it sure is hard for the family to watch her turn her life upside down. You can only say so much to those you love and care about it and they only listen so much.  At what point do you throw your hands up in the air and give up trying to help? 

I thought I'd list the things (good and bad) that I know I am addicted to:
  • The sun - when its out, I'm in the pool;
  • MonaVie - 2 oz twice a day, makes me feel and look good;
  • Smirnoff's Ice - can't just have one, no matter how many times I try LOL;
  • Smoking - I know, its bad for me, have tried to quit many times;
  • Talking - bet you knew I was gonna say that? I will talk to anyone, about anything, anytime, even strangers. I wonder if my parents ever told me not to while growing up. I couldn't imagine an hour without opening my mouth LOL;
  • Music - its kinda like I have two ears for a reason, love noise more than I love talking (bet you find that hard to believe);
  • Sex - now seriously, isn't everyone?;
  • Tostitos, nachos, corn chips of any kind - if I could only have one food for the rest of my life, this would be my choice;
  • Vacation - you just gotta have time off from the crazy hectic daily life;
  • God & Jesus - no other words need be said!!
I am sure if I sat for an hour or two, the list could go on and on, those are just a few off the top of my head. What are your addictions, are they good or bad for you.  Take a few minutes and think about it today. If you knew you couldn't live without it, then I'd say your addicted, just like me!  

On the flip side, things I could give up in a second and never miss again:
  • Snow - absolutely hate it, can't stand the cold;
  • Bugs - like spiders and snakes and bees and so if I never saw another one again for the rest of my life, wouldn't bother me;
  • Fish - when I was a kid, it's all my father ever did and we ate it every day, day after day, after day;
  • the dark/night - I don't see the purpose really except to sleep and its not that I am afraid of it, its just something that makes no sense to me, let there be light (all the time)
  • the Devil - he tempts me too many times (here eat this, drink this, do that, go here). Why can't he just go away!!

What are your addictions friends, would love to hear your comments!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Being Goofy!!

At Disney in January, with Goofy .... where Dreams Do Really Come True!!

My handsome husband started his weight loss journey immediately after we got home from hanging out with goofy!  Weighing in at 200 lbs, he still looked good but you should see him now, down 22 lbs (in 6 months - that's healthy weight loss), he looks marvelous! Pictures coming soon - he wants to lose a few more lbs, stay tuned for the before and after  shots.  He's getting his sexy back. All our friends and family know "We Are MonaVie" and so when they introduced a weight management product, he was already on board and ready to start RVLing a new him and getting his sexy back.

We share his story, track the journey and promote the MonaVie products on our facebook fan page "MoreThanJuice".  We're all in ... for life!  This product contains 19 fruits, including the acai berry and it has changed his life.  Each January we go to Disney, with our support system, R3Global and this year we brought my mother and my daughter. The weather may not have been the warmest for those wanting to sport their little teenie weenie bikini (Brandi the tanner) but we had a blast anyways.  (Note we're in long sleeves and hoodies).  It was mom's first trip to Florida and I'm happy to say it was with her "goofy" family.  Funny thing happened as we were leaving the gas station with the rental car heading to the airport.  If you ask my mom, I'm sure she'd say at the time "it wasn't funny" but my husband and I laughed so hard, we cried.  Brandi said to Brian as he pulled away "where you going"? I thought to myself what do you mean where are we going, she knew we were  heading to the airport. Brian said 'we're going home" - excited to start working on his weight loss dream.  Brandi said "what about Nana".  I turned my head around from the front seat, did a 180 and said "what do you mean what about Nana" and oh my gosh, she wasn't in the car, just as Brian was exiting the gas station and heading onto the freeway.  Stop, slam on the breaks, hope no one is  behind us, where is my mother?  Apparently, when I was in the gas station paying and Brian was pumping gas, she went inside because she saw a sign that said "souveniers/t-shirts here" and she had to grab that one last gift. I looked back and in the distance could see this cute little lady standing there looking all around for her family.  I was in tears and oh my ........ so was she.  It's a story you laugh at time and time again (well Brian, Brandi and I do anyways), Nana - not so sure (she says her son-in-law tried to leave her behind, it almost sounds like a country song).

So I asked her and Brandi just last month if they wanted to come to Disney again with us in January and perhaps hang out with the "goofy" guy again.  Brandi said "no, the weather suck", my mother said "I'm never going away with you guys again"....LOL  Come on now, free trip, food, fun in the sun and they still don't wanna come.  Let's see how they feel when Christmas nears.  Looking forward to sharing more of Brian's MonaVie RVL Weight Loss journey with our friends and family, next year at Disney, just us ....... being GOOFY! 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It's All About Me!

Well that's what I used to think anyways!  Now as I get older and more mature (yes that's possible), I see that it never really was about me. At the end of this first day of vacation, I can't even begin to tell you how absolutely wonderful and awesome the past 5 days have been and vacation is actually just started.

We had our all our children and their partners with us for our annual BK Broiler. We had a blast, we had family, friends, church friends, MonaVie friends, new friends and older friends (no I'm not talking about Anita) LOL  We had friends from around the corner, down the street, family from hours away and some so close we call them neighbours.  This was our 10th annual and we have never run out of food the past 9 years.  The backyard was packed, the pool always had someone in it and my husband, well you couldn't get him away from the karoke.  We sang till the wee hours of the morning and even BBQ'd more food at midnight.  Bet the neighbours loved us.

Sunday morning, everyone slept in. Took an dip in the pool, enjoyed the day and headed down to see the fireworks at Canal Days in Port Colborne (that's another annual tradition).  We took the kids for dinner down at the West Harbour restaurant overlooking the marina, what a lovely sight. I am sure that every mosquito in Port Colborne was near me and had attacked my feet and legs. Oh so itchy! The kids had a blast, eating funnel cake, listening to the bands, watching the lighted boat parade and more.  Each year the party gets bigger and bigger, my daughter said she couldn't breathe walking through the streets.  Now Brian and I, we sat back on our lawn chairs, put the blankets out and opened a few cold ones (that's how I got bit by those nasty blood sucking critters), had I walked with Brandi ... guess who would be fine and not itchy today!

Holiday Monday, pretty much the same, slept in and took a morning dip in the pool.  I can't remember actually spending as much time with the kids as we did these past few days. And they're not just kids anymore, their 16, 18 and 21 so yep ..... they're becoming adults. Sure is different at this age, they actually want to spend time with you.  Cost us a fortune going out for dinner, sightseeing and all but it was so darn worth it.  I told my husband today "you're kids cost me alot of money this weekend".  He said "your daughter cost me alot of money everyday"....LOL  Now, we're even :)

I swear that this has been by far the best summer for the weather and having the pool.  Absolutely love it, when the sun is out, we're vacationing in the backyard and what a perfect weekend for family, friends and fun! If tomorrow never comes, I could honestly say that this has been one of the best vacations and summers so far and we're only at August 2nd. Looking forward to the next few weeks of fun and sun. The kids are enjoying themselves, got the girlfriends coming over tomorrow for a birthday celebration, the parents coming over Thursday for drinks and cake ... life is good, couldn't be better. Heading off to a big MonaVie conference on Saturday, going to learn some tips on building our business ...... we're going GOLD!!

Just got back from my first bike ride of the season with my daughter and her friends and so now not only do I have itchy feet, I have jelly legs!!

I am truly blessed though and so yes, really .... its all about me :)