Just last month, beginning of June, we attended the MonaVie International Convention in Utah. We almost didn't make it as Brian was involved in a 3 car accident on the QEW Toronto just the day before our flight was due to leave. We were at the hospital taking x-rays less than an hour before we had to leave for the airport. The doctor who saw him said that he should start physio the next day and I had to explain to him that Brian's wife bought "non-refundable" and "non-transferable" tickets for both the flight and hotel. Needless to say, the doctor heavily medicated him. Despite the pain he was in the trip and the convention were fantastic. We didn't walk as much as I wanted to, we had to take taxi's and we even took a horse drawn buggy midnight ride. All in all, it was good.
While we were at the Convention, we were asked if we wanted to be "interviewed" to have our 5 minutes of fame! Oh yes, I say ........ you know me I talk alot. But when it comes to MonaVie, you can't shut Brian up, he tells his story, he talks about the product, he goes on and on about the business opportunity and I can't get a word in. Now, on the other hand, when you put a camera or a microphone in front of me, I freeze, I can't talk, must be stage fright and those who know and love me would say "that's not Karen". LOL
So we sit down, put the microphone on, camera's rolling, okay tell me your name and where your from. Brian answers, I sit smiling for the camera. Next question, Brian answers, only one or two words. I'm waiting for more, he can't talk, nothing is coming out, he's freezin, blinded by the lights. Its not something I'm used to, I can't believe it. One of our very best friends are with us and they are like looking at him wondering what's happening. Even the producer is trying to pull words out of him, still nothing, one or two word answers. I'm thinking to myself, this is not what they are looking for and then I open my mouth. I take over, I start talking, I can't stop, the words keep coming out, I tell the whole story, just as it happened .... and then I'm in shock, so are our friends, so is Brian. It's like "what's happening here", yeah the stage fright disappeared. I just forgot the cameras were there and away I went ....... now my friends who know and love me would say "that's Karen, she's back"! LOL
We're home now from vacation, its been a month, Brian is doing better. We are eagerly and excitedly looking forward to when this little interview will come out for public viewing, how much is cut and how it turns out. I had forgotten completely about it until tonight, only because I was asked to describe why "I am MonaVie" in less than 200 hundred words, with a picture and submit a write-up. I'd love to share that story with you but I got a feeling that something is in the works and perhaps it's going to be in a magazine or brochure in the near future. And so tonight my friends, I say please continue to join us on this journey to a More Meaningful Life, I look forward to sharing both the interview and the article with you soon!
I have been married for 13 years and have 3 children. I am passionate about changing people’s lives, especially little kids, one at a time! That passions allows me to Live A More Meaningful Life! In 2006, a new chapter began as I adopted a healthy lifestyle; physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
B & K Broiler - Top 10
Our 10th Annual B & K Broiler birthday party celebration is coming up! B for Brian, K for Karen but you knew that already, right! Our birthdays are only eight days apart, his end of July, hers beginning of August. Yep, you guessed it, the August long weekend, birthday party celebration and you're invited!
What started out as our 1st B & K Broiler was before we were married, we had moved in together, bought some new patio furniture and decided to have a party, the guests helped us assemble it. The 2nd B & K Broiler was a month after we got married, came back from our honeymoon, decided to have family and friends over and show off our pictures. It then became a tradition. Each year gets better than the previous. We've both had our 40th birthday celebration B & K, didn't embarrass each other too much, yeah right! We've had family and friends drive from long distances, fly from other provinces and even fly from within Ontario. We've had young friends, old friends, new friends and even friends to be celebrate with us. I remember each B & K had sleepover guests, some too tired to drive long distance, some drank too much, wouldn't let them drive and some just wanted to stay, couldn't kick them out if we tried!
Last year, family flew in from Ottawa and when we picked them up at our little Welland airport, they insisted on taking us flying, over the falls. Who could turn that down even though we knew guests were showing up shortly. What a spectacular view. I remember getting a text from one of our friends asking where we were, I text back to say "look up, we're flying over, be home in 10 minutes". It was a great B & K!
So this year, what to do? We've gotta make it a special one, do something different, its our 10th Annual. The name B & K Broiler comes from my handsome husband, I think it was the year Burger King introduced a new burger. The weather has always cooperated and so again it will this year. Our family is flying in from Mississauga and has offered to take our guests out flying, if anyone is interested. I can't imagine anyone declining this great opportunity and so I can only bet that Ned (the pilot) won't be at the party much!
B & K as we are called, have so much more to the meaning than just Brian and Karen. I did a quick google search and was surprised to find a few interesting business, restaurants and more. Wishing actually that we could claim each one as our own, wouldn't that be nice, take a look at this list of B & K's.
1. B & K Food & Wine, 71 Beulah Road, Thornton Heath, London
2. BK Specialty Foods, 6512 Eastwick Avenue, Philadelphia
3. B & K Seafood International Food Market, 4600 Hardy Street, Hattiesburg, MS4. B K Studios, Designer Photography, 1616 Redfern Street, Victoria, BC
5. B & K Custom Floors, LLC, 8915 S SHROUT RD, GRAIN VALLEY, MO
6. B & K Furniture, Kirkybank Road, Liverpool
7. B & K Soul Food & Carribean, 1228 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
8. B & K Components, Ltd. 1749 Chapin Road, Montebello, CA9. B & K Services, Inc.. — Heating and Air Conditioning, 41 E Warehouse Ct, Taylors, SC
10. B & K Landscaping and Lawn Service, 163 Westview Drive, Rock Valley, IA
Now that's called FREE advertising, wonder what we'd get if we contacted all these companies? But seriously now, our list of B & K (and please feel free to add your own) - not sure I can list 10.
1. Butcher's Knife
2. BBQ & Karaoke
3. Beer & Kool-Aid
4. Big Kahuna
5. Birthday Kake (Cake)
6. Bishop & King
7. Bees & Kites; and of course
8. Brian & Karen
Come celebrate with us on July 30th, we're having a BBQ, bring your Kids, come swim, we can do Karaoke, drink Beer and Kool-Aid. It'll be a Blast ....... Kool!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
The Grass Isn't Always Greener
You win some, you lose some! Seems it took quite awhile for summer to get here but I am sure everyone would agree, its here! What does summer mean to you? To me, its family, friends, patio time, BBQ's, swimming and a whole lot of fun! But my grass, oh my ... the front lawn. I can honestly say the grass isn't greener on the other side. The whole neighbourhood has this brown looking rough hard straw type of lawns. I thought maybe I was alone, cheap me that I am, no .... don't water the lawn, think of the next water bill. I've already got the pool and hot tub to fill and top up from time to time. But today as I was driving home from Niagara Falls, I saw this straw looking brown grass everywhere. I've noticed I haven't heard as many lawnmowers in the neighbourhood lately, kinda good for the environment, isn't it? You can't have both now can you! A whole lotta sun means no green grass. But I do enjoy the smell of fresh cut lawns.
Anyone who knows us, knows one thing for sure, when the sun is out ....... our family is in the backyard. Great big nice 45 year old tree back there, shades half the lawn and yep, you guessed it, the grass is greener!
They say its going to rain tomorrow and I'm okay with that. I know everyone's lawns and flowers need it. So, since its Monday, I don't mind, I'll be working and unable to enjoy an afternoon in the pool. I've been quite lucky lately with my 3 Friday's off in July so far, each and every weekend, the sun has been shining, the BBQ has been grilling, the friends and family have come over to cool down and we have enjoyed some great weekends in the pool. When we move (yes we're thinking of it in the next year or two), a pool is non-negotiable. This time around though I want an inground pool. I want tropical grass and a bigger back yard with lots of shade and green green grass.
July 30th is our 10th Annual B & K Broiler to celebrate both our birthdays, lots of friends and family, BBQ, fun in the sun, chill in the pool and relax in the hottub. I was just thinking to myself, as I sat down to write tonight, oh my ......... the grass isn't green, what will everyone think. Then it hit me, everyone's looks the same. They won't even notice. So, ok, bring on the rain! I don't want to water my lawn!! For our local friends and even those long distance ones, you are all welcome, please stop by on the 30th, come celebrate with us. I promise you one thing ...... the grass isn't greener!
Anyone who knows us, knows one thing for sure, when the sun is out ....... our family is in the backyard. Great big nice 45 year old tree back there, shades half the lawn and yep, you guessed it, the grass is greener!
They say its going to rain tomorrow and I'm okay with that. I know everyone's lawns and flowers need it. So, since its Monday, I don't mind, I'll be working and unable to enjoy an afternoon in the pool. I've been quite lucky lately with my 3 Friday's off in July so far, each and every weekend, the sun has been shining, the BBQ has been grilling, the friends and family have come over to cool down and we have enjoyed some great weekends in the pool. When we move (yes we're thinking of it in the next year or two), a pool is non-negotiable. This time around though I want an inground pool. I want tropical grass and a bigger back yard with lots of shade and green green grass.
July 30th is our 10th Annual B & K Broiler to celebrate both our birthdays, lots of friends and family, BBQ, fun in the sun, chill in the pool and relax in the hottub. I was just thinking to myself, as I sat down to write tonight, oh my ......... the grass isn't green, what will everyone think. Then it hit me, everyone's looks the same. They won't even notice. So, ok, bring on the rain! I don't want to water my lawn!! For our local friends and even those long distance ones, you are all welcome, please stop by on the 30th, come celebrate with us. I promise you one thing ...... the grass isn't greener!
Monday, July 11, 2011
We've Got a Little Boy in Brazil!
When we started making money in MonaVie, we said we wanted to give back, just as Dallin has taught us! We're sponsoring a little boy in the favelas located outside Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, his name is Lyedson Andre and he is now 8 years old. We've written to him a few times and he has written back to us, he is always drawing us pictures. Like a proud parent, we hang his photo's on our fridge. He is Portuguese and all our letters are translated. This makes me want to learn another language so when we go visit him, hopefully next year, we are able to speak to each other when we give him big hugs. He is so cute, he does not have electricity or a functioning toilet in his home. He lives with his mother and two brothers. He has running water in the kitchen but not a functioning shower. He does not have good sleeping conditions. Can you even imagine living like this? We hope to be able to provide him with a More Meaningful Life through the Believer's Program at the More Project.
Our goal is to help provide a safe haven for him, to assist with his eduction, food and dental. We know that he will receive a good education, enjoy leisure and recreational activities in the Believer's Program. We can only hope that the difference we make for him today will have a lifetime influence. We pray for Lyedson and his family every day and trust in God that he will take care of them for us. We are hoping to go visit Brazil in the year 2012, with our teenaged daughter whose life will be forever changed when she sees the poverty that these families live in. I'm thinking this will be an experience of a lifetime for her and all of us and how much more we will appreciate what we have at home, when we return.
Our goal is to help provide a safe haven for him, to assist with his eduction, food and dental. We know that he will receive a good education, enjoy leisure and recreational activities in the Believer's Program. We can only hope that the difference we make for him today will have a lifetime influence. We pray for Lyedson and his family every day and trust in God that he will take care of them for us. We are hoping to go visit Brazil in the year 2012, with our teenaged daughter whose life will be forever changed when she sees the poverty that these families live in. I'm thinking this will be an experience of a lifetime for her and all of us and how much more we will appreciate what we have at home, when we return.
Sergio Ponce (More Project Brazil Director) and Katy Holt-Larsen (Executive Director) are two of the most wonderful people we have ever met. Their passion, dedication and committment to the More Project is out of this world. They both keep us updated on activities, the happenings of the Believer's Program and always put the children and their families first, their hearts are made of Gold! They are truly a blessing to all of us.
We are honoured to be a part of Lyedson's life and thrilled to be able to provide him with so much more that he can have a promising future and a More Meaningful Life!! Looking forward to the day when we can say "Nós te amamos" ... We love you Lyedson :)
Friday, July 8, 2011
5 Days in July!
No its not Blue Rodeo, 5 days in July really! Its 5 Friday is July and guess what ....... I'm not working them! I've been working for quite alot of years and have never in all my history taken Fridays off for a whole month in the summer and thus having 5 long weekends in a row. Oh my, this is the first time I've done something like that and I must say, this being only my 2nd Friday off, I think I'm loving it! I got to sleep in today a whole extra couple of hours, what a great feeling. I got up had my coffee on the back deck, sat in the sun and started out my day. I didn't do much really, kinda like the Bruno Mars song "today I don't feel like doing anything" .... nothing at all! I washed my car, I watered my flowers, I pruned my roses, I ran a few small errands. I even got gas and filled up, thought I was getting a deal at 125.9 in Welland since when I left work yesterday in St. Catharines it was 134.9. Cost me $70, my small itsy bitsy spyder must have a big gas tank. I can't even imagine the people who have trucks and vans, what's it costing them. I had my RVL shake for lunch and went back out on the deck and the sun was shining. My daughter was out tanning and my husband was off to physio (because of his recent car accident), poor guy, so much pain. I decided ah its time to throw on the bathing suit and sit on my floatie. Our lawn guy came by, did the grass and weedeating. I enjoyed the afternoon nap in the pool.
My husband and I decided to treat ourselves to an ice-cream tonight. Congratulations on his 20 lbs weightloss on the scale this morning, so we went down to Clifton Hill in Niagara Falls. I couldn't believe the amount of people, they were everywhere. I said to Brian "where are these people coming from", you'd think this was the honeymoon capital of the world LOL Took some nice pictures of the falls, managed to get some without any people in it too!
The day is just about nearing bed time and lights out. Still got time for the hottub though. What a lovely Friday off, had a great day with the family. Looking forward to the next 3 long weekends. Summer is my favourite time of year. Pretty soon will have to start planning our 10th Annual B & K Broiler BBQ and Pool Party (its both our birthdays coming up). We've been having these parties for years. We won't talk about the Happy 40th pink flamingos on the lawn party though, that one goes down in the history books. In case your not sure what B & K is, well that's Brian and Karen, it could also be Burger King, although we'd never eat there. Stay tuned for our top 10 list B & K countdown coming up soon. And hey, if you're in Niagara end of the month, stop by for some Birthday cake :)
My husband and I decided to treat ourselves to an ice-cream tonight. Congratulations on his 20 lbs weightloss on the scale this morning, so we went down to Clifton Hill in Niagara Falls. I couldn't believe the amount of people, they were everywhere. I said to Brian "where are these people coming from", you'd think this was the honeymoon capital of the world LOL Took some nice pictures of the falls, managed to get some without any people in it too!
The day is just about nearing bed time and lights out. Still got time for the hottub though. What a lovely Friday off, had a great day with the family. Looking forward to the next 3 long weekends. Summer is my favourite time of year. Pretty soon will have to start planning our 10th Annual B & K Broiler BBQ and Pool Party (its both our birthdays coming up). We've been having these parties for years. We won't talk about the Happy 40th pink flamingos on the lawn party though, that one goes down in the history books. In case your not sure what B & K is, well that's Brian and Karen, it could also be Burger King, although we'd never eat there. Stay tuned for our top 10 list B & K countdown coming up soon. And hey, if you're in Niagara end of the month, stop by for some Birthday cake :)
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Do You Like Getting Things for FREE?
I love FREE things. Who doesn't like getting something for free? I've never met a person yet who got something free, anything at all and it didn't put a smile on their face. Smiling is free, its also contagious! We all have our own free will. The air we breath is free. Think about it, we take these things for granted most of the time. I love receiving free things (like tonight, I got the $35 activation fee waived on my new iPhone I'm getting Thursday, wahoo)!!
So now we wanna give away something for FREE! You might ask yourself, what can we give you for free? Read on! We've started our own facebook fan page MoreThanJuice. We've started blogging Our MonaVie Journey! All you have to do is "like", post or comment on our MoreThanJuice fan page (click attached link below) and / or comment on this page (at the bottome of the blog) before the end of the month, we'll have a FREE draw for some MonaVie product. Not quite sure yet what we'll offer, perhaps a combination of our juice products, our energy drinks and/or our new weight loss products. If you want to lose weight, if you need more energy, if you need better health, let us know, you could be the lucky winner and get something for FREE.

Dreams are free! Smiles are free! So are hugs, give someone a hug today and see how it makes them feel.
So now we wanna give away something for FREE! You might ask yourself, what can we give you for free? Read on! We've started our own facebook fan page MoreThanJuice. We've started blogging Our MonaVie Journey! All you have to do is "like", post or comment on our MoreThanJuice fan page (click attached link below) and / or comment on this page (at the bottome of the blog) before the end of the month, we'll have a FREE draw for some MonaVie product. Not quite sure yet what we'll offer, perhaps a combination of our juice products, our energy drinks and/or our new weight loss products. If you want to lose weight, if you need more energy, if you need better health, let us know, you could be the lucky winner and get something for FREE.

Dreams are free! Smiles are free! So are hugs, give someone a hug today and see how it makes them feel.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
My Itsy Bitsy Spyder!
I have a Mitsuibishi Spyder, say it three times fast and it sounds like itsy bitsy spyder. I'm smiling, case I know you're saying it as you read this :)
She's my sweet baby, convertible, just love her in the summer. Well yesterday I took her in for carsmetics surgery. New paint, no more dents, scratches, bumps and bangs, cleaned up and detailed. She'll be coming home with a brand new fresh look, so exciting. I am sure I will feel like I just got a new car. Although I am going to miss her for a few days, I'm looking forward to how beautiful she will be when she comes home.
Now being a two car family, it wouldn't really matter to be short on a vehicle for a few days. Well I guess I wasn't thinking when I booked the appointment date. Over three weeks ago my husband was involved in a 3 car accident on a major highway with his company vehicle. He's been driving a rental ever since and I didn't get covered or insured to drive it. Although I am on his company vehicle and sometimes do like to have a bigger "trunk" when I'm going shopping (smiling here)!
Well talk about feeling handicapped. I couldn't go out anywhere today, had to hang out in the backyard, in the pool (not so bad though the weather was perfect). We invited a few friends over for a swim and a BBQ and since yesterday was a holiday, I never got around to getting much groceries. Now with friends over, I need some condiments, buns, drinks and more. It's kinda funny, hey can you come over but first can you drive me to the grocery store and wait while I shop. My daughter and her friends were going out and needed a ride, which mom does quite often. I think she believes parents are meant to be taxi drivers. She had to call her grandmother to come and drive her and her friends around. It was actually kinda nice at the same time, having a few cold ones in the pool knowing its okay, you're not driving.
I'm not sure how people with one car and more than one or two kids actually do it. What about those hockey dads and the ballet mom's. Who gets the car first? Perhaps I should take up biking and get my daily exercise at the same time. But where would I put my groceries. I could walk and take a buggy from the grocery store home with me but that would look and feel read odd!
On another note, tomorrow will be another pool and BBQ day, what else is there to do when the sun is out. Its not like I'm going to clean, that's what my teenage daughter is for (ah, that's why I am the taxi, I remember now).
Needless to say, after a weekend of being a one vehicle family, I really appreciate my little itsy bitsy spyder and am going to let her know when she comes home nice and new.
She's my sweet baby, convertible, just love her in the summer. Well yesterday I took her in for carsmetics surgery. New paint, no more dents, scratches, bumps and bangs, cleaned up and detailed. She'll be coming home with a brand new fresh look, so exciting. I am sure I will feel like I just got a new car. Although I am going to miss her for a few days, I'm looking forward to how beautiful she will be when she comes home.
Now being a two car family, it wouldn't really matter to be short on a vehicle for a few days. Well I guess I wasn't thinking when I booked the appointment date. Over three weeks ago my husband was involved in a 3 car accident on a major highway with his company vehicle. He's been driving a rental ever since and I didn't get covered or insured to drive it. Although I am on his company vehicle and sometimes do like to have a bigger "trunk" when I'm going shopping (smiling here)!
Well talk about feeling handicapped. I couldn't go out anywhere today, had to hang out in the backyard, in the pool (not so bad though the weather was perfect). We invited a few friends over for a swim and a BBQ and since yesterday was a holiday, I never got around to getting much groceries. Now with friends over, I need some condiments, buns, drinks and more. It's kinda funny, hey can you come over but first can you drive me to the grocery store and wait while I shop. My daughter and her friends were going out and needed a ride, which mom does quite often. I think she believes parents are meant to be taxi drivers. She had to call her grandmother to come and drive her and her friends around. It was actually kinda nice at the same time, having a few cold ones in the pool knowing its okay, you're not driving.
I'm not sure how people with one car and more than one or two kids actually do it. What about those hockey dads and the ballet mom's. Who gets the car first? Perhaps I should take up biking and get my daily exercise at the same time. But where would I put my groceries. I could walk and take a buggy from the grocery store home with me but that would look and feel read odd!
On another note, tomorrow will be another pool and BBQ day, what else is there to do when the sun is out. Its not like I'm going to clean, that's what my teenage daughter is for (ah, that's why I am the taxi, I remember now).
Needless to say, after a weekend of being a one vehicle family, I really appreciate my little itsy bitsy spyder and am going to let her know when she comes home nice and new.
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