Brian and I celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary this week and he bought me an iPad2. Oh my, you should have seen my face. I still have a 5 year old cell phone and have just figured out how to text. I'm not current and up to date with new toys and technology. One month ago, I didn't know what an i was: ipod, iphone, ipad ... what the heck, let alone even know what an app is. But what the heck, its the thought that counts right. Should I ask my teenage daughter to teach me, nope ... she's too busy, I'll bet. So now its time to start learning.
Well its been 5 days and I must say I've impressed both my husband and my daughter and now to tell you the truth, I've really impressed myself. I love it, I'm still learning but I'm having a blast. I've imported my contacts, I've taken pictures (so what their upside down LOL), I've downloaded apps and now I'm actually tweeting. Well I must say now "its the thought that counts"! Its my MonaVie business all in one cute little square thing they call an iPad2 ....... loving it! Loving my wonderful husband more for being such a thoughtful guy :)